
Cost of Living Comparison Calculator

Use our cost of living calculator to find out cost of living between different locations and utilize our cost of living information to research living expenses in various areas. Popular standard cost of living expenses such as housing and rent cost, food, transportation and health care are all considered when we put together our cost of living data.
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Browse Our Cost of Living Data

Find out cost of living information by city, ZIP code, state, or country in over 9,000 locations using our signature cost of living comparison tool. Plan relocation costs and expansions estimate costs between locations and find out how far your salary would take you in another city using our cost of living data. Our cost of living data considers specific expenses, such as housing, health care, transportation, income taxes, consumables, and more.

Cost of Living by Country

International relocations or expansions may be made efficient by starting with national average comparisons. ERI's cost of living calculator provides cost of living averages from about 200 countries. Utilize our international cost of living calculator to compare and analyze costs by country.

For more information about cost of living by country visit ERI.

Cost of Living by State

Compare cost of living by using state average data of about 200 national and international states and provinces. Calculate the cost of living for relocations and expansions to see if your business is sustainable in a certain state. Compare costs by state to see where cost of living is the cheapest and the most expensive.

For more information about cost of living by state visit ERI.

Cost of Living by ZIP Code

Find out the cost of living by ZIP code for the most popular areas. Streamline your area search by using a US ZIP code to get more precise cost of living calculations. Access over 37,000 US ZIP codes from our database to help make clearer decisions, especially when comparing neighboring cities.

For more information about cost of living by zip code visit ERI.

Cost of Living by City

Find out the cost of living in popular cities and see how far your salary would last in a different city. Compare relocation expenses in over 9,000 national and international cities by job and current annual salary. Assess your relocation decisions by evaluating our affordability comparison chart, employment statistics, crime rates, and more. Research affordable areas around popular urban areas and find out what you could afford in a different city.

For more information about cost of living by city visit ERI.

Our Process

What Factors Into Our Cost of Living Data

When calculating cost of living, ERI considers several major data points. Here is background information about housing, health care, transportation, income taxes, and consumables, the five main expenditure components we research when calculating cost of living.

Generally housing is the largest expense. In addition to city-level housing data, which ERI collects every quarter, ERI also researches utilities to ensure the most accurate housing-related cost of living information. ERI's Relocation Assessor further provides options to individualize housing data by ownership/rent, family size, area, and mortgage payment customizations.

ERI considers out-of-pocket cost and carrier zone rates by location, as well as various other factors, when reporting health care cost data.

ERI calculates transportation costs based on local data and considers a variety of factors, such as fuel costs, public transportation costs, and efficiency patterns of public transportation. Then that data is compared to the transportation price level index. ERI factors in transportation differences between major cities by also researching parking costs to ensure the most accurate transportation cost data available.

ERI models the estimated impact of combined employee income taxes, including federal, state/provincial taxes (specific city or county, if existent), along with federal and local payroll taxes (e.g., FICA, FUTA, etc.), flat taxes, surtaxes, employee-paid disability, and employee-paid unemployment rates. While the cost of living calculator accounts for a single earner, ERI's Relocation Assessor provides effective income tax estimates affected by marital status, deductions, and tax credits.

Consumables are calculated from a market basket of goods and services that a typical management or professional household would purchase and consume. The percentage of income spent on consumables varies by income level, family size, and average expenditure patterns. For example, when researching consumables information, we consider the cost of meat, dairy products, grocery products, average restaurant costs, entertainment, clothing, etc. ERI pulls this information to help predict average costs of consumable goods and provide the most accurate cost of living information.

For more information on how we calculate cost of living, or to compare cost of living between different areas, such as by city, ZIP code, state, or country, see our cost of living comparison page.


How We Research Cost of Living Data

ERI collects, compiles, and analyzes data relating to cost of living from available sources and researches areas which are not commonly surveyed individually.

ERI downloads housing sales data from commercially available sources. Gasoline, consumables, medical care premium costs, and effective income tax rates are also collected from authoritative online databases. ERI research staff then audits these sources. What distinguishes ERI from other cost of living sources is we provide an affordable in-house resource rather than an expensive consulting service.

How To Use

How HR Representatives Use Cost of Living Data

People generally use a cost of living comparison to contrast expenses between different locations. Cost of living differentials are essential HR tools used to evaluate if a certain location is viable for a relocation or expansion. Individuals may use a cost of living index to estimate how much it costs to live in an area and, from there, make decisions about relocating. Our cost of living tools provide users with information that will help them determine costs by city, ZIP code, state, or country. To learn more about cost of living differentials read this blog post.