
Cost of Living Comparison Calculator

Compare the cost of living in terms of housing and utilities, health care, transportation, and consumables between your current and new locations. Also, get comparisons of employment rates, crime rates, and more based on data from ERI's Assessor Platform.
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Cost of Living Calculator

Our signature cost of living calculator helps you compare the costs between different cities and understand how far your salary would go in another city or state. ERI considers different factors when calculating cost of living, including food, transportation, health services, rent, utilities, taxes, and other miscellaneous costs.

For more information on how to accurately calculate cost of living for both domestic and international locations, use our cost of living calculator.

Here is additional information about housing, health care, transportation, and consumables, the four major areas that we research when calculating cost of living:
Housing & Utilities

Housing & Utilities

Housing is typically the largest component of expenditures. ERI collects both aggregate city-level and neighborhood-level data for areas within cities that are more desirable to most management/professional lifestyles. Monthly rental data collected defaults to a square footage based on the specific earnings level and assumes unfurnished rental of an apartment or a condominium.

Utilities are estimated based on costs for common heating, cooling, and sources of energy for the location. Water and sewer cost estimates are also included.
Heath Care

Health Care

Health care services include out-of-pocket costs for the employee and carrier zone rates by location, along with hospital costs. They are based primarily on group medical benefits, as tracked by national carriers and in-house methodology.
Heath Care


The cost of transportation score uses local data on commuting patterns and city dispersion, combined with fuel cost factors, public transportation, and efficiency patterns of public transportation in relationship to a transportation price level index. A relative cost of airline travel component is also included. In major cities, where parking is a substantial cost, estimates are included for parking expenses during regular business hours.


Consumables are built up from a market basket of goods and services that a typical management/professional household would purchase and consume. The percentage of income dedicated to consumables varies by income level and family size based on the base city expenditure pattern. A typical market basket of goods would include the costs for meats, dairy products, produce, bakery products, miscellaneous grocery products, and miscellaneous goods and services (e.g., fast food, average casual restaurant, haircut and other personal services, clothing items, entertainment, major appliance repair, etc.).

All these factors should be considered when deciding to move to another location. ERI's cost of living calculator can help you accurately predict how far your money will take you in a new location.


Compare Different Locations

Austin, Texas VS Baltimore, Maryland Chicago, Illinois VS New York-Manhattan, New York Chicago, Illinois VS San Francisco, California Buffalo, New York VS Baltimore, Maryland San Francisco, California VS London, United Kingdom Phoenix, Arizona VS Denver, Colorado Boston, Massachusetts VS San Francisco, California Phoenix, Arizona VS Seattle, Washington Boston, Massachusetts VS Albany, New York Aberdeen, United Kingdom VS Baltimore, Maryland Atlanta, Georgia VS Boston, Massachusetts Chicago, Illinois VS London, United Kingdom Dallas, Texas VS New York-Manhattan, New York Chicago, Illinois VS Los Angeles, California Azores Sao Miguel, Portugal VS Jackson, Wyoming Pago Pago, American Samoa VS Seattle, Washington Iqaluit, Nunavut VS Norfolk, Virginia Jasper, Alberta VS Mclean, Virginia Naples, Florida VS St Croix, Virgin Islands Canmore, Alberta VS St George, Utah Elliot Lake, Ontario VS Stevenage, United Kingdom Cape Breton, Nova Scotia VS Saint Helena Island, United Kingdom Kailua Kona, Hawaii VS Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom Stevenage, United Kingdom VS Loughborough, United Kingdom Coeur Dalene, Idaho VS London, United Kingdom Churchill, Manitoba VS Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom Bend, Oregon VS Bury St Edmunds, United Kingdom Grande Prairie, Alberta VS Bracknell, United Kingdom College Station, Texas VS Ottawa, Ontario Easter Island, Chile VS Niagara Falls, Ontario Saint Helena Island, United Kingdom VS Kenora, Ontario Fort Collins, Colorado VS Huntsville, Ontario Collingwood, Ontario VS Elliot Lake, Ontario Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom VS Collingwood, Ontario Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island VS Iqaluit, Nunavut Bracknell, United Kingdom VS Lunenburg, Nova Scotia Loma Linda, California VS Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Key West, Florida VS Boone, North Carolina Boston, Massachusetts VS Calabar, Nigeria Vancouver, British Columbia VS Las Vegas, Nevada Azores Terceira, Portugal VS Terneuzen, Netherlands Destin , Florida VS Saba Dutch Caribbean, Netherlands
New York-Manhattan, New York VS San Francisco, California Dallas, Texas VS San Francisco, California Houston, Texas VS San Francisco, California Chicago, Illinois VS Seattle, Washington Boston, Massachusetts VS Baltimore, Maryland Dallas, Texas VS Seattle, Washington Seattle Washington VS Albany, New York Austin, Texas VS Albany, New York Phoenix, Arizona VS Atlanta, Georgia Denver, Colorado VS Buffalo, New York Washington, District of Columbia VS Los Angeles, California Minneapolis, Minnesota VS Boston, Massachusetts Atlanta, Georgia VS Baltimore, Maryland Indianapolis, Indiana VS Boston, Massachusetts La Jolla, California VS Bournemouth, United Kingdom Los Angeles, California VS Waco, Texas Denver, Colorado VS College Station, Texas Monterey, California VS Clarksville, Tennessee Corvallis, Oregon VS Chattanooga, Tennessee Calabar, Nigeria VS Sherbrooke, Quebec St Augustine, Florida VS Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Norfolk, Virginia VS Azores Terceira, Portugal Irvine, California VS Flagstaff, Arizona Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida VS Corvallis, Oregon Seattle, Washington VS Bend, Oregon Mclean, Virginia VS Toronto, Ontario Loughborough, United Kingdom VS Peterborough, Ontario Pembroke, Ontario VS Minneapolis, Minnesota Ocala, Florida VS Missoula, Montana Morden, Manitoba VS San Carlos, Mexico Burbank, California VS Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Mexico Airdrie, Alberta VS Chetumal, Mexico Cochrane, Alberta VS Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Sherbrooke, Quebec VS Boston, Massachusetts Redding, California VS Hanover, Maryland Lunenburg, Nova Scotia VS Morden, Manitoba Chetumal, Mexico VS Churchill, Manitoba Niagara Falls, Ontario VS Chicago, Illinois Terneuzen, Netherlands VS Coeur Dalene, Idaho San Carlos, Mexico VS Kailua Kona, Hawaii Pebble Beach, California VS Kleve, Germany Chattanooga, Tennessee VS Kaiserslautern, Germany