Salary Assessor screenshot on a mac screen


Access ERI’s Salary Survey Database

ERI’s Salary Assessor provides a detailed salary calculator to streamline compensation planning. With instant access to employer-reported compensation survey data online, you can determine competitive salary levels, compare employee salaries with market benchmarks, and more.

Export detailed PDF reports and Excel data sets using our signature salary survey software. Create new hybrid positions to accurately set pay for unique job titles based on salary survey data.

Salary Assessor screenshot on a mac screen
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ERI’s Assessor Platform

We offer state-of-the-art software to analyze our massive salary database and fulfill your needs as a compensation professional. Learn more about all the other features that ERI’s Assessor Platform has to offer.

  • Manage complex compensation plans from planning to hire
  • Customize compensation rates based on experience, revenue/assets, skills, education, and certifications
  • Evaluate pay equity and much more
Global Locations

What's New

  • View total compensation data, including long-term incentives and equity compensation
  • Use number of employees as the organization size metric for any industry.
  • Get data on benefits offered, health care coverage, and PTO.
  • Apply shift differentials for day, evening, or swing shifts.
  • Stack up to three certifications and three skill premiums per job.
  • Add security clearances for precise pay rates.
  • Modify education levels to customize jobs.

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More Ways to Get the Data You Need

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Current Features

Benchmark Pay Rates
Unique Jobs
Market Salary Data
Calculate Competitive Levels of Salaries

What You Get

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ERI’s Salary Assessor gives you access to ERI’s robust salary survey database to find the most accurate benchmarks for specific job titles in exact locations. Benchmark total compensation packages and export detailed compensation reports to Excel and PDF.

See how easy it is to benchmark pay with a demo

Cannot find a hyper specialized job? Try combining multiple job responsibilities to create a custom hybrid job. You can factor in years of experience or company size to find the perfect salary package for any role.  Create custom job listings based off skills and responsibilities to find competitive pay for niche roles.

Try a demo to see our hybrid jobs

We compile our salary data from employers, meaning you will always have accurate, competitive, and up-to-date compensation information. Attract new talent and retain current employees, while knowing you will not be overpaying.  Benchmark total compensation packages and compare with those of similar companies based on size, industry, and more.  Get verified and vetted salary survey data to benchmark total compensation at market rates.

Try a demo to our see a sample of our data

ERI’s database is constantly updated with the latest compensation information, enabling you to be confident in your salary planning. Our data comes from employers, which ensures your salary will always be competitive in the marketplace.

Contact us for more information