Over the past several years, many businesses have found it more difficult to match the benefits they have offered in the past, or to those offered by larger competitors. Some employers are moving to less costly options; other employers are just reducing benefit levels overall.  In 2012, several respondents reported a requirement for a separate deductible for prescription drugs.

The fifth edition of the Health Care Benefits Benchmarking Survey was released on April 2nd. ERI conducts this annual survey to assist employers in making competitive decisions about their benefit offerings. Participation for the survey was solicited from employers in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors as well as government entities in the United States.

The Health Care Benefits Benchmarking Survey provides data cuts by organization sector, industry group, organization size (by number of employees), and geographic region. The report features sections on general benefits practices, general features of medical coverage, and co-payment requirements. Sections on prescription drug plans, dental benefits, vision benefits and more are included.

Most employers recognize that benchmarking health plan costs and practices with other employers in the external marketplace is the first step in evaluating the effectiveness of current and future benefit changes and strategies. By providing timely and accurate measurement of health care plan costs, ERI’s Health Care Benefits Benchmarking Survey can serve as a valuable reference when considering plan changes and cost-saving strategies. Learn more about ERI Salary Surveys and purchase the survey at http://salary-surveys.erieri.com.