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J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc.
Cliff Sandsmark - Senior Compensation Manager
…ERI is a tremendous resource for wage analysis, cost of living, cost of labor, and relocation data for our employees… I have examined other tools offered by your competitors and I have found that I have complete confidence in ERI’s methodology…
Ruby Tuesday
Denise Flournoy - Director HR and Compensation
It is by far the the best market compensation tool I have ever used. Again, it is a WONDERFUL product.
University of Miami
Hady F. Perez-Vasallo - Compensation Analyst
As a newcomer to the compensation field, I really like ERI software. You provide complete instructions, I can control all the variables, it is easy to use, and you always have the jobs my boss needs.
Zachry Construction Corporation
Cynda Reznicek - Compensation Analyst
ERI has been an excellent tool. We use the Salary Assessor, the Geographic Assessor and the Relocation Assessor. Zachry has multiple construction locations spread around the United States, often in smaller towns. We also have multiple lines of business. It is powerful to have salary information at my fingertips for so many titles, locations, and industry types. Our business units love it that we can create lists of benchmark titles, then run them for multiple locations. In a rapidly changing employment environment the quarterly updates are also very helpful.
FiveL Company - Helping Leaders
Christine V. Walters, MAS, JD, SPHR - Independent Consultant, FiveL Company
My subscription to ERI has been the VERY BEST investment of my professional career. ERI paid for itself before the end of the first month. The precision and detail of the data that I can now provide my clients enhances my own credibility as a consultant.
Thomas Jefferson University
Carl Sheppard
ERI is the only compensation data provider working hard to do it right all the time, and ERI is the only outfit willing to put professional vision ahead of short-term product profitability.
Elodie Davignon - Manager, Relocation & International Mobility
ERI has been an excellent tool, we use the Relocation Assessor. Saint-Gobain has multiple locations spread around the United States and Canada, often in smaller towns. It is powerful to have cost of living information for so many locations. And the quarterly updates are also very helpful to remain accurate.
J.L. Nick & Associates, Inc.
Cecily Gingrich - Consultant
Don't know what I'd do without ERI! It provides the diversified information we must have to meet our clients' compensation needs.
Rachel Hawk  - Work-Wise, Inc.
I have found the eDOT to be the best product on the market for use in my forensic work.
Clark Dietrich - Building Systems
Laura Willis - Assistant Compensation Manager
I cannot say enough good things about the ERI system. It is very user friendly and a reliable resource for compensation data. We have 1100 employees in 13 manufacturing facilities and 5 engineering offices across the US. I have used several other compensation resources in the past. I have found that ERI is the most accurate and best tool I have come across. I would highly recommend it to anyone. We have the salary assessor and relocation assessor. This is a cloud based system that is refreshed quarterly.

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