Your Resource for Effective Salary Planning

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Access ERI's Salary Survey Database

ERI's Salary Assessor provides a detailed salary calculator to streamline compensation planning. Determine competitive salary levels, compare employee salaries with market benchmarks, and more with instant access to employer-reported compensation survey data online.


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Benchmark pay rates with market salary data

Compare salary ranges and the mean/median wages for 9,000 positions in over 8,000 locations around the world. Calculate salaries by level, years of experience, or organization size. Save lists of jobs and locations relevant to your organization directly into the cloud compensation software.

Customize outputs to reflect specific situations

Calculate competitive levels of salaries, incentives, and total compensation by geographic area, industry, organization size, and salary planning date. Create user-defined areas and search for areas within a radius of a specific location.

Import data and export reports to Excel and PDF

Import employee salaries to compare with industry benchmarks at a glance. Export detailed PDF reports with graphics and extract large custom data sets to Excel. Create and save profiles to easily re-export customized reports.

Find accurate salary ranges for unique jobs

Combine multiple jobs into a hybrid position. Analyze market salary data for hybrid positions based on industry, location, level of experience, and more. Select a weight for each component position to reflect job duties.


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