Benchmark Executive Compensation Packages

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Detailed Executive Pay Data

ERI's Executive Compensation Assessor makes it easy to benchmark executive compensation packages for planning and reporting. Review data for executive salaries, bonuses, stock awards, option awards, and non-equity incentives. Generate benchmarks relative to groups of comparable companies and based on analysis of industry trends.


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Analyze executive compensation plans by company size and other criteria

Calculate reasonable pay ranges for an executive position over multiple company sizes. Data includes base salary, annual cash bonus, and total annual cash compensation. Enter a job title, location, industry, and company revenue to display data for specific situations. Find the executive pay data you need for CEOs, VPs, and directors.

Benchmark pay for multiple executives at a company

Analyze executive compensation data for multiple positions at once. Enter a list of titles and customize the compensation package breakdown by location, industry, and company size. Upload a list of positions to benchmark and save your list of executive titles in the cloud.

Analyze executive compensation survey data and proxies

View base salary and incentive data, plus stock awards, option awards, nonequity awards, pensions, and other compensation to benchmark all components of executive's compensation packages. View pay data from corporate filings for comparable executives by selecting a job title, industry, company size, and location.

Review data from companies that match selected criteria

Easily view reports with compensation data from a list of companies with user-defined characteristics such as revenue and industry. Benchmark multiple executive positions with compensation data for counterparts at similar organizations. Fifty financial measures are available to refine the list of included companies, such as filtering by high performing companies in your industry.


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